We are facing unprecedented social and environmental challenges. And yet $1 trillion of Giving Pledge philanthropy sits unused.
Instead of demanding: “Why don’t Giving Pledge Philanthropists honor their commitment?”
We should be asking “Is there a reason large philanthropy isn’t being given at scale?”
Venture philanthropy has the ability to solve some of our most pressing social and environmental challenges; but only if we create a pathway for it to realize its full potential. At the Merton Philanthropy Institute we focus on solutions that can be achieved by investing large philanthropy alongside leading corporations, since these entities are capable of deploying very large capital quickly.
About Merton Philanthropy Institute
Helping philanthropy realize its potential.
Born out of Sean Davis' seminal book, "Solving The Giving Pledge Bottleneck”, Merton Philanthropy Institute brings together academic, philanthropic, nonprofit, government, corporate, finance and other experts to develop plans to deliver solutions at scale.
Bringing together the greatest minds.
Working with global thought-leaders across all sectors of society, we research and advocate for solutions for social and environmental challenges that can be solved at scale, curating data and content from leading experts.
Solutions at Scale.
MPI has a philosophy of “open-source” collaboration - sharing the best ideas for solutions in order to do the most good. We foster continued thought-leadership through events, meetings, news articles, white papers, podcasts, books and other media, promoting the most innovative and effective means of deploying philanthropy to deliver solutions at scale.